Pool Works Team

Meet the Pool Works Team 

Retail Team

Support Team

  • Connie Kubiak

    Connie Kubiak

    Office Administration / Customer Service

  • Kim Sanders

    Kim Sanders

    Customer Service / Inground Sales

  • Dan Estel

    Dan Estel

    Warehouse Manager / Pool & Spa Deliveries

  • Sandy Burdick

    Sandy Burdick

    Office Manager / Customer Service

  • Lacy Scott

    Lacy Scott

    Construction Coordinator / Customer Service

  • Gina Kloehn

    Customer Service

Service Team

Construction Team

Our story

Our Story

In July of 1987, Dave and Connie Kubiak officially started Pool Works, Inc. 

In 1960, Dave Kubiak’s dad, Gerald, starts a pool business in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Through limited research, some trial and error, and a ton of determination he figures out how to build inground swimming pools. Along with his wife Betty and their five kids, they open up Kubiak Pools on Potts Avenue. The kids – four boys and a girl – grow up in the family business.