How to Clean and Protect Your Automatic Pool Cover
Protectant Instructions
Operate the cover to the closed position.
At this time the lid should be removed and the housing should be cleared of debris and dirt.
Next, rinse the two panels closest to the housing using a garden hose and apply a few splashes of the Auto Cover Cleaner.
Begin to scrub the panels until they are clean.
Once the two panels are clean, operate the cover to the open position, this rolls up the panels that are already clean, allowing you to stay in the same area and remain more efficient.
Repeat this process until the final two panels are all that are exposed.
Clean these two panels, but, instead of operating the cover, put a cover pump on the cover to drain all of the dirty/soapy water off of the cover.
Once the cover is drained of the majority of water, operate the cover until it is in the fully open position.
Next move the cover to the closed position, slowly while simultaneously rinsing off any remaining suds.
Once the cover is in the fully closed position and is properly cleaned/ rinsed, it is time for the Protectant.
Automatic Pool Cover Cleaner - Quart
Cleaner Instructions
After surface has been cleaned, apply a thin coating of Auto Cover Protectant, using a sprayer or brush.
Apply in an overlapping manner to ensure uniform coverage.
Do not rinse Protectant off.
Allow to dry completely before operating cover.
Protectant will bond deeply to the treated surface, protecting against oxidizing gases, sunlight, heat, ozone and UV exposure, all of which can lead to hardened or cracked surfaces.
Avoid overspray, dripping or penetration onto surfaces not being treated.
Automatic Pool Cover Protectant - Quart
NOTE: Operating the cover while the water is on the cover runs the risk of damaging the cover/track and concrete around the pool
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