Important Tips to Keep Your Hot Tub Running Perfect During the Winter
With freezing temps just around the corner, be sure to follow these tips to keep your hot tub running in tip-top condition.
Your Cover is KEY!
Is your cover heavy and starting to bend your cover lifter? Time for a new cover! Over time the foam cores absorb water and the cover gets heavier, and heavier, and heavier… well you get the point. Pool Works offers new covers in a FABULOUS WeatherShield material. This material is 250% stronger yet 25% lighter than the traditional vinyl and does not get stiff in our cold temps.Monitor the Water Level
SOOOOOO important! Water evaporates quicker in the winter. If your water level gets too low there is a chance your heater will stop working. You need proper water flow to have the heater function. If your heater stops working, you can expect SEVERE DAMAGE! Check your water level frequently and add more as necessary. Be sure to keep a hose available inside so it is not frozen.Keep the Water Balanced and Clean
Maintain proper water chemistry! Clean water means less stress on your filters and an enjoyable soaking experience. Plain and simple!Change Your Water More Frequently
Changing your water a little more often in the cooler months means your water will be easier to balance and less taxing on your filters. When a warmer day (30’s and above) presents itself, feel free to switch out that water! Pool Works can also test your TDS (total dissolved solids) which gives you an indication of how much life is left in your hot tub water.Close Air Controls
After using the hot tub, before closing the cover, make sure you close all air control knobs. Closing the air controls means the hot tub can stay heated a little more efficiently when not in use.Clean or Replace Your Filters!
Filters that are dirty or plugged significantly reduce the flow of water. When the flow of water is reduced enough your heater will no longer turn on. If the heater is not functional you are at a risk of SEVERE DAMAGE!Check Your Hot Tub Daily!
If your hot tub has a problem, the issue needs to be caught right away to prevent freeze damage. Our Vita and American Whirlpool hot tubs have been known to go several days in freezing temperatures, but it is crucial to check your hot tub each day to make sure it is functioning and maintaining the set temperature. If you do not check your hot tub, you may one day find it to be a frozen block of ice. Freeze damage is not covered under any manufacturer warranty.Monitor/Control On Your Phone!
Is it an inconvenience for you to check your hot tub daily? Do you travel during the winter months? Pool Works offers the “Control My Spa” for the Vita Spas and “In.Touch 2” for the American Whirlpool hot tubs. These systems allow you to control your hot tub from your phone or tablet. You can set up alerts and monitor temperature and have full control of your hot tub from your device!
iCare, Water Made Easy™ Water Monitor
PLEASE remember to always clear snow off of your hot tub cover. Snow (especially wet snow) adds an enormous about of stress to a hot tub cover. Use a car brush or a soft bristle broom to clear snow from your hot tub cover after EVERY snow fall!!!
Make sure to shovel snow off your cover!
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